The curriculum, “Child Protection Curriculum Module - Child Development Workers” is designed to approach the difficult subject of child a…
The curriculum, “Child Protection Curriculum Advocacy Module for Parents, Caregivers, and the Community” is designed to approach the diff…
A21 is an organization working to end human trafficking. They offer resources to educate and equip parents, communities and students t…
This document was created and published by the Australian Government eSafety Commissioner. This document provides information about how to keep young…
Parents and caregivers learn about trauma, common symptoms in children and some of the ways unhealed trauma can negatively affect a child's life…
Parents and caregivers learn the benefits of delaying marriage for girls in their familly and community. They discuss the negative consequences of ea…
Parents and caregivers learn about the heart motivations behind how they discipline their children, negative consequences of corporal punishment, and…
Parents and caregivers explore how to release control, promote responsibility and submit their children's growth to God's leading. They learn about t…
Parents and caregivers explore how parenting is like gardening and learn about God's loving provision through the Genesis creation acc…
Parents and caregivers explore how love communicates belonging, safety, empowerment and healing - messages that replace the lies of isolati…
Parents and caregivers learn how trauma and hardship can lead to lies of isolation, powerlessness and impurity. They explore the importance…
Parents and caregivers explore the importance of open communication with their children and learn the value of both verbal and non-verbal c…
Parents and caregivers explore the importance and responsibility of protecting their children from other children or adults who may seek to…
Parents and caregivers learn the definition of evil as choosing what is bad for another person's heart, mind and body. The truth is evil is…
This document provides instructions on several different breathing exercises that parents or children can use to help manage stress and calm themselv…
Series - 27 Resources
Caregivers explore similarities between parenting and gardening as this curriculum leads them through a transformative experience that equips th…
Parents and caregivers explore how internal motivations can lead us to hurt others. They learn the definition of abuse as when someone violates any p…
Parents and caregivers explore the influence of a community on parenting practices and how culture can resist changes that are beneficial f…
Parents and caregivers learn the definition of shame and how it leads to keeping harmful secrets, but love exposes, heals and renews. They …
Parents and caregivers learn how to reflect God's unconditional love as they care for their children's hearts, minds and bodies. They also&…
The lesson “Strategies for Combating Violence” helps the mother/caregiver define domestic violence and identify contextually-appropriate …
The lesson “What is Child Abuse” helps the mother/caregiver compare child abuse and appropriate behavior management, as well as learn abo…
The curriculum, “Child Protection Curriculum - Training Facilitator’s Guide” is designed to train Child Development Workers, parent…
Parents and caregivers discuss common gender roles practiced within families in their community. They explore how these gender roles can affect child…