Parents and caregivers learn the benefits of delaying marriage for girls in their familly and community. They discuss the negative consequences of ea…
Parents and caregivers explore how to release control, promote responsibility and submit their children's growth to God's leading. They learn about t…
Parents and caregivers explore how parenting is like gardening and learn about God's loving provision through the Genesis creation acc…
Parents and caregivers learn the definition of evil as choosing what is bad for another person's heart, mind and body. The truth is evil is…
Series - 27 Resources
Caregivers explore similarities between parenting and gardening as this curriculum leads them through a transformative experience that equips th…
Parents and caregivers explore how internal motivations can lead us to hurt others. They learn the definition of abuse as when someone violates any p…
Parents and caregivers learn the definition of shame and how it leads to keeping harmful secrets, but love exposes, heals and renews. They …
Parents and caregivers learn how to reflect God's unconditional love as they care for their children's hearts, minds and bodies. They also&…
Parents and caregivers discuss common gender roles practiced within families in their community. They explore how these gender roles can affect child…
Parents and caregivers discuss positive and practical ways to influence their community to better protect and care for children. They …
Parents and caregivers learn how God's love toward humans demonstrates how parents should love their children. They reflect on the rea…
Parents and caregivers explore how unhealed trauma and pain passes from parents to children and can create ongoing abusive patterns and how forgivene…
Parents and caregivers explore how love transforms families by healing pain, breaking abusive patterns and helping parents and children lov…